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Page 42

Instruction Booklet Translation The Far Shore

TopUnderstanding the strange effects of the far shore NormalOfferings to the heir give power...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 39 - Swamp

Instruction Booklet Translation

FleemersEquipped in various ways.  The flesh may be stripped away but the will to fight is st...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 19 - Death

Instruction Booklet Translation

TOP LEFT BOXBad news! The Ruin Seeker has run out of HEALTH-POINTS!But wait!? A strange being...

Updated 2 years ago by Matt

Page 49

Instruction Booklet Translation Hidden Secrets

The Golden Path : The Greatest Spell

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 43

Instruction Booklet Translation Hidden Secrets

The Ruin seeker begins to understand the holy cross

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 37

Instruction Booklet Translation Frog's Domain

Will stop at nothing to obtain the blue key.  She has long known that it lies in the rooted z...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 36

Instruction Booklet Translation Frog's Domain

Many have sought the secrets of this world, drawn by the great power and other secret legends...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 33

Instruction Booklet Translation Ruined Atoll

Under the library is the skeleton of a great abbey that served as its annex.  Once, some othe...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 32

Instruction Booklet Translation Eastern Vault

Top of mapThe last machine of war Siege Engine Black boxto the dark cave p.30 Bottom boxTho...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 30

Instruction Booklet Translation Under the Well

& Beneath the earthBeneath the earth are many scary places.  be sure to take a lantern Spide...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 29

Instruction Booklet Translation Under the Well

Under the wellFlooded lair beneath the surface, filled with monsters.  Walking in water will ...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 28 - Overworld

Instruction Booklet Translation

Ringing the west bellCan you see the bell, but not reach it?  Try going to the west garden vi...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 27 - West Garden

Instruction Booklet Translation

Fairy Fairies Below boss box:to the west of the great palace are the gardens.  Many paths ar...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 26 - Survival Tips

Instruction Booklet Translation

Keep an eye on your bars! Your will to go on.  Improve potions with ash ( ) to gain more H...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 24

Instruction Booklet Translation Praying

Includes missing text from previous page The secret of prayer To pray, be still for a momen...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 23

Instruction Booklet Translation Praying

The six regions are, clockwise from the top:  HP - Fortress (fortres)  ATT - Forest (fori...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 22

Instruction Booklet Translation Hints and Clues

What's up with the Door in the Mountains?All the clues you seek are here in these pages...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 21

Instruction Booklet Translation Hints and Clues

Stumpt? Here are some clues fore you! Try to help your friends if you can. Left Column I en...

Updated 2 years ago by Amaegon

Page 31

Instruction Booklet Translation Eastern Vault


Updated 2 years ago by Matt

Page 35

Instruction Booklet Translation Frog's Domain

Text in the bottom right: Odd Door Rotate it around the forbidden axis and partially su...

Updated 2 years ago by Matt