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Rooted Ziggurat

Rooted Ziggurat.jpg



The Far Shore



Ooze Control

The Administrators

What They Kept From Us

The Rooted Ziggurat is an area below the Quarry in Tunic. The Hidden Vault resides at the end of it.

Unofficial Map

Credit: FletcherIsAFurry



  • Fairy (beam)
  • Fairy (ice beam)
  • Autobolt
  • Admin
  • Voidling



Treasure Chests

There are 10 treasure chests in the Rooted Ziggurat.

Item Chest ID #
30 gems 274
Blue Fruit x2 275
Lure x1 229
Explosive Bomb x5 230
1 gem 231
Magic Potion x1 234
Ice Bomb x3 261
Blue Fruit x3 260
Red Fruit x3 232
Explosive Bomb x6 233

Not in a Treasure Chest

There is 1 item not in a treasure chest in the Rooted Ziggurat.

Blue key x1

Trunic Translations

??? location subtitle:

  • "Gate to The Far Shore"

Boss Scavenger boss subtitle:

  • "The queen of those who pick the bones of this land"

Blue key pedestal prompt:

  • "[skull][skull][skull] Take [hexagon key]? [skull][skull][skull]"

Broken Check-Point:

  • "Dead.
    The altar has no soul."


Language Name
English Rooted Ziggurat
Arabic زقورة راسخة
Bulgarian Вкоренен зикурат
Canadian French Ziggourat enracinée
Czech Zakořeněný zikkurat
Danish Begravet tempeltårnet
German Verwurzelte Zikkurat
Greek Ριζωμένο Ζιγκουράτ
Spanish Zigurat afianzado
Finnish Hautautunut temppelitorni
French Ziggourat enracinée
Hungarian Eltemetett lépcsős templom
Italian Ziggurat sepolta
Japanese 埋没したジッグラト
Korean 발굴된 지구라트
LATAM Spanish Zigurat afianzado
Dutch Gewortelde ziggoerat
Norwegian Rotfestet ziggurat
Polish Zakorzeniony ziggurat
Portuguese Zigurate Enterrado
Brazilian Portuguese
Zigurate Enterrado
Romanian Zigurat înrădăcinat
Russian Вросший зиккурат
Simplified Chinese 深埋的神塔
Swedish Rotad ziqqurat
Traditional Chinese 根深蒂固的金字形神塔
Turkish Gömülü Ziggurat
Ukrainian Вкорінений зикурат