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134 total results found


Guides over speedrunning skips, tricks, and the like! Curated resources, guides and more can be found at

Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation of all 56 pages of the manual/instruction booklet and explanations of their content.


List of helpful pages!

Unknown Secrets

Secrets that don't fit into any particular category.


Locations in the game. Includes NPC translation, places of interest, and anything relevant to the site.

Enemies & Bosses

A collection of info on the various foes that the player can encounter across the world of Tunic!

The Story

Instruction Booklet Translation


Instruction Booklet Translation

Hints and Clues

Instruction Booklet Translation


Instruction Booklet Translation

Under the Well

Instruction Booklet Translation

Eastern Vault

Instruction Booklet Translation

Ruined Atoll

Instruction Booklet Translation

Frog's Domain

Instruction Booklet Translation

The Far Shore

Instruction Booklet Translation

Hidden Secrets

Instruction Booklet Translation

Memo Pages

Instruction Booklet Translation



Skips and tricks you can use to become a fast fox.

The West Garden


The Overworld


Under the Well


Dark Tomb


The Frog's Domain


The Quarry


The Cathedral


Old Burying Ground



Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation Elaboration Top half of "Secret Legend" Bottom half of "Secret Legend"

Page 1 - Copyright

Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation Elaboration Logo on front cover. TUNIC - Secret Legend Makers of TUNIC Andrew Shouldice - The one who directed and made TUNIC. Kevin Regamey - Audio Direction Eric Billingsley - Level Art Terence Lee - Lifeformed (Music) Janic...

Page 2 - Table of Contents

Instruction Booklet Translation


Page 3

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Page 4

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Page 5

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Page 6

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Page 7

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story


Page 8

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story


Page 9 - Data Management

Instruction Booklet Translation


Page 10 - Beginning your Adventure

Instruction Booklet Translation


Page 11 - The Game Screen

Instruction Booklet Translation


Page 12

Instruction Booklet Translation Controls


Page 13

Instruction Booklet Translation Controls

Translation Button This button has many uses. One is secret, but if you read this book you will learn it. Talk: Talk to signs, doors, & more. Pray: Forbidden technique. Offer reverence to the tombs of those who came before. (p24->) Roll: Press to roll...

Page 14

Instruction Booklet Translation Controls

Translation Shift button This button has one main use, but it is a powerful one. Use it all the time, Ruin Seeker! Lock: Shift: FACE YOUR ADVERSARIES. Hold this to focus on a nearby foe. + space: FOCUS & EVADE. To roll and dodge while still staying re...

Page 16 - Stamina

Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation With vigor:Use vigor to roll. You are safe for a tiny moment.  Found the shield? Block! Vigor fills more slowly. Hits will use up vigor. No vigor (0%)Oh no! You ran out of vigor! You can only hop and are highly vulnerable Watch out!  

Page 15

Instruction Booklet Translation Controls

Translation UNDERSTANDING STAMINA-POINTS STAMINA-POINTS represent your poise and strength to perform certain actions. When you evade or perform other moves, your STAMINA-POINTS go down. When at 0 SP, you can still do many actions, but at a disadvantage. ...

Page 17 - Items

Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation SWORD: Is this the hero's blade? Or a forgery? STICK: Just a stick! SHIELD: Left by a RUDELING. Use to deflect blows. ice BOMB: Unstable powder made from the fairy of the West Garden. bang BOMB: Made from slorm, the pudding that goes boom....

Page 18 - Increasing Your Power

Instruction Booklet Translation

Translation If you seek to increase your power...Risk an offering to the Heir. [coin] The price goes up each time... [crumbling box] As the Shore bleeds one of falsehoods and memories, the Heir hungers for reminders of the corporeal world. Offer these m...

Page 19 - Death

Instruction Booklet Translation

TOP LEFT BOXBad news! The Ruin Seeker has run out of HEALTH-POINTS!But wait!? A strange being has given us another chance! Such a debt is a dangerous thing to have... TOP RIGHT BOXWHAT WAS BUT IS NOW NOT The ghostly form of an ECHO-OF-SELF. Touch it to...