Ruined Atoll
Connections | |
Soundtrack |
Ocean Glaze |
The Ruined Atoll is an area to the south of the Overworld in Tunic. It contains a pathway to the Frog's Domain in the northeast corner. Venerating to the tombs in the four corners of the atoll and then to The Heir statue at the center activates the teleporter that leads to the Great Library.
The Spectral Seller is found in a cave after going down the right set of stairs from the Check-Point, then heading right then up into the wall.
- Plover
- Husher
- Crabbit
- Crabbo
- Slorm (corrupted)
- Baby Slorm
- Fairy (beam)
- Fairy (ice beam)
- Envoy
- Frog (young)
- Frog (grown-up)
- Frog (well-equipped)
Treasure Chests
There are 16 treasure chests in the Ruined Atoll.
Item | Chest ID # |
Bracer x1 | 72 |
Mushroom x1 | 220 |
Ice Bomb x2 | 66 |
Magic Echo x1 | 67 |
Effigy Statue x1 | 75 |
15 gems | 221 |
25 gems | 73 |
Magic Potion Shard x1 | 71 |
15 gems | 218 |
100 gems | 76 |
15 gems | 219 |
25 gems | 68 |
Effigy x1 | 70 |
Tincture x1 | 69 |
Bone x1 | 287 |
Secret Treasure #10 x1 | 1010 |
Not in a Treasure Chest
There is 1 item not in a treasure chest in the Ruined Atoll.
Item |
Key x1 |
Trunic Translation
Locked door prompt:
- "Use key?"
- A one-time event plays when walking along the west edge of the map where a Voidling appears before running away.
- The southwest corner of the Ruined Atoll contains the only two indestructible blades of grass in the game.
Language | Name |
English | Ruined Atoll |
Arabic | الجزر المتهالكة |
Bulgarian | Разрушения атол |
Canadian French | Atoll en ruines |
Czech | Zpustošený atol |
Danish | Forfalden atol |
German | Zerstörtes Atoll |
Greek | Ερειπωμένη Ατόλη |
Spanish | Atolón en ruinas |
Finnish | Raunioatolli |
French | Atoll en ruines |
Hungarian | Lepusztult atoll |
Italian | Atollo distrutto |
Japanese | 荒廃した環礁 |
Korean | 산호섬 폐허 |
LATAM Spanish | Atolón en ruinas |
Dutch | Verwoeste atol |
Norwegian | Ødelagt atoll |
Polish | Zniszczony atol |
Portuguese | Atol Arruinado |
Brazilian Portuguese |
Atol Arruinado |
Romanian | Atol prăbușit |
Russian | Разрушенный атолл |
Simplified Chinese | 残破的环礁 |
Swedish | Förstörd korallö |
Traditional Chinese | 毀壞的環礁 |
Turkish | Harap Mercanada |
Ukrainian | Зруйнований атол |
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