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theory about the lever and the owner
This theory is about the world of tunic being a "lever" and the lever has a connection to are wor...
fairies, Spiritual Awakening and Communication, Ancient Civilization’s Use of Souls, Adaptive Roles of Fairies and Constructs, The Fulcrum and the Far Shore.
Theories on Fairies and Constructs in Tunic 1. Fairies as Caretakers and Preservers Core Idea: ...
theory on the timeline
Squirming Coil Timeline in Tunic Core Idea: The concept of time in Tunic is a squirming coil, in...
Speedrunning Guides: SRC Page: Discord: htt...
Spectrogram Secrets
Intro This page contains all known spectrogram secrets in TUNIC. a.mp3 from doyoufeartheeyesoft...
Useful Spells
Bomb Spells There are 3 spells that give you a free bomb of each type. Particularly the ice bomb...
A seemingly unfinished version of the game, accessible from the savefile used to get the page 9 g...
Ice Rod/Bomb Skip
Summary When entities in the world are frozen either via the Magic Dagger, Ice Bomb, or Ice Rod ...