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Sites of Interest

Locations The Eastern Vault

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

NPC Dialogue

Locations Beneath the Eastern Vault

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Sites of Interest

Locations Beneath the Eastern Vault

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Sites of Interest

Locations The East Forest

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Press Kit Puzzle

Unknown Secrets

It’s a code unlocking BIG HEAD MODE. Code is: If you want to un-toggle it just enter the code...

Updated 2 years ago by JessHawk36

Page 8

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story


Updated 2 years ago by Dreyva

Page 7

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story


Updated 2 years ago by Dreyva

Page 6

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Updated 2 years ago by Dreyva

Page 5

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Updated 2 years ago by Dreyva

Page 4

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Updated 2 years ago by Dreyva

NPC Dialogue

Locations The West Garden

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Sites of Interest

Locations The West Garden

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

NPC Dialogue

Locations Under the Well

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Sites of Interest

Locations Under the Well

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

NPC Dialogue

Locations Dark Tomb

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Sites of Interest

Locations Dark Tomb

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Page 3

Instruction Booklet Translation The Story

Translation Secrets

Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Page 53

Instruction Booklet Translation Memo Pages


Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Page 50

Instruction Booklet Translation Hidden Secrets


Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike

Page 25

Instruction Booklet Translation Praying


Updated 2 years ago by Firestrike