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21 total results found
East Forest
The East Forest is an area to the east of the Overworld in Tunic. It contains the East Belltower, Guardhouse 1, Guardhouse 2, the Lower Forest, and the Path to Hero's Grave. Unofficial Map Credit: FletcherIsAFurry Enemies Day Hedgehog (pink) Blob (pi...
Under the Well
Under the Well, also referred to as Beneath The Well and the Flooded Well, is an area below the Overworld and the Dark Tomb in Tunic. At the end of Under the Well is the West Furnace, which contains the Lantern. Map Enemies Slorm Rudeling (red) Rudeli...
Dark Tomb
The Dark Tomb, also known as the Dark Cave, is an area north of the Overworld and above Under the Well in Tunic. Map Enemies Fleemer Fleemer (big) Phrend Trunic Translation Dark Tomb location subtitle: "Who is enshrined here, if the hero lies i...
West Garden
The West Garden is an area west of the Overworld in Tunic. It is the home of Terry the Chompignom, the most fashionable of the Chompignoms if the Sunglasses code is inputted. The Spectral Seller is found in a cave to the north of the northern Check-Point. Map...
The Overworld is the main hub area of Tunic. The player washes onto the south shore, Ruin Seeker Arrival, at the start of the adventure. This area notably contains the Sealed Temple, the Old House, and the West Belltower. The Spectral Seller is found within th...
Beneath the Eastern Vault
Beneath the Eastern Vault is an area below the Eastern Vault in Tunic. Traversing it is required to reach the main floor of the vault. Map Enemies Spyrite Sappharach Baby Slorm Custodian Phrend Trunic Translation Beneath the Eastern Vault locati...
Eastern Vault
The Fortress of the Eastern Vault, also referred to as the Forest Fortress, is an area to the east of the Overworld in Tunic. It is composed of its forest section, the main floor of the vault, and the interior of the vault. The Eastern Vault itself is accessed...
Ruined Atoll
The Ruined Atoll is an area to the south of the Overworld in Tunic. It contains a pathway to the Frog's Domain in the northeast corner. Venerating to the tombs in the four corners of the atoll and then to The Heir statue at the center activates the teleporter ...
Frog's Domain
The Frog's Domain is an area below the Ruined Atoll in Tunic. It contains the Southern Vault, which was already plundered of its green key. Map Enemies Frog (young) Frog (grown-up) Frog (well-equipped) Baby Slorm Custodian (staff) Autobolt Truni...
Great Library
The Great Library, also known as the Library, is an area floating in the sky above the Ruined Atoll in Tunic. Exterior Depiction Background The Librarian uses the main floor of the Great Library for housing his research and items he has stolen from variou...
The Quarry is an area to the north of the Overworld in Tunic, connected by the Forbidden Pass. The Quarry is also accessible via a secret pathway next to the Mountain Door. The Spectral Seller is found by climbing down the rope to the upper-right of the lower ...
Rooted Ziggurat
The Rooted Ziggurat is an area below the Quarry in Tunic. The Hidden Vault resides at the end of it. Unofficial Map Credit: FletcherIsAFurry Enemies Fairy (beam) Fairy (ice beam) Autobolt Admin Voidling Boss Scavenger Boss Trunic Translati...
The Cathedral is an area to the north of the Swamp in Tunic. The Spectral Seller is found in a cave to the right of the bottom of the elevator. Map Enemies Oblivion Seeker (slow) Oblivion Seeker (fast) Husher Boss Gauntlet with 6 Challenges F...
The Far Shore
The Far Shore is a spiritual realm in Tunic. The player arrives there upon their first death, prior to The Heir's betrayal; when they open the door to the Sealed Temple prior to ringing the Eastern and Western Bells; and when they venerate upon strange gates o...
Mountain Door
The Mountain Door, or the Door In The Mountains, is an area to the north of the Overworld in Tunic. The door itself is unlocked by casting the greatest spell, The Golden Path. To the right of the door is a secret pathway to the Quarry. Depiction
Tunic has several friendly characters. Fox The fox,[1][2] also known as the Ruin Seeker,[3][4] is the playable protagonist of Tunic. They seek to explore ruins, or to bring ruin to the world. Appearance The fox is a small anthropomorphic orange fox wit...
Collectables are items that the player can collect in Tunic. Keys Image Item Location Red key Eastern Vault Green key Great Library Blue key Rooted Ziggurat Bits Image Item # per Playthrough Locations ...
Check-Points are monuments in Tunic. They are statues of The Heir with a cauldron of fire at their base. When interacted with, the player's health-points, stamina-points, magic-points, and Magic Potions are fully restored, and respawnable enemies are returned ...
The Golden Path
The Golden Path is a puzzle in Tunic. It is referred to as "the greatest spell" by page 49 of the instruction manual and "the greatest song" by page 54. Solving The Golden Path unlocks the Mountain Door. Knowledge of it is required to solve the Glyph Tower puz...
The shop is an establishment run by the Spectral Seller in Tunic. It is located in the Overworld, the West Garden, the Eastern Vault, the Ruined Atoll, the Quarry, the Swamp, and the Cathedral. Items Adventurers beware, there are no ways to obtain unlimited ...