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Page 40 - Cathedral
Translation THE CATHEDRALThe Seat of Power for the First Heir 1. The sound of chanting in the air/heir.2. A large chamber, with the smell of incense.3. A shaft descends into blackness. Activated by 10.4. Doorway to eastern rooms.4a. A group of lost frien...
Page 41 - The Far Shore
Translation Top LeftThe Far Shore Top MiddleThe Shadow Oubliette(written in a circle, clockwise from top) A key is no mere toy Bottom-Left BoxSword of The Heir Bottom-Right BoxesStolen DeviceRuin Seeker's Arrival Elaboration Part way up the pathway...
Page 42 - The Far Shore
Translation TopUnderstanding the Strange Effects of The Far Shore NORMALOfferings to The Heir give power in the corporeal realm. In Far Shore / GHOSTYou are a shadow of yourself, and the false gifts of The Heir hold no effect. With Hero RelicAttune to ...
Page 43 - Hidden Secrets
Translation The Ruin Seeker begins to understand the HOLY CROSS Elaboration The Holy Cross is the D-pad on the player's controller, or the arrows keys on the player's keyboard. The player should practice and successfully perform the Holy Cross upon th...
Page 44 - Hidden Secrets
Translation Much is hidden in this world, bound behind the power of the HOLY CROSS. Prove to those who gave of their core that you know of it deeply. ← Open the vaults left to help wise Ruin Seekers. [fairy] Free the souls that stayed behind to guide y...
Page 45 - Hidden Secrets
Translation Extinguish the beacon's last spark and become a fresh martyr. Courage that is untempered by kindness risks eating itself forever... Elaboration If the player defeats The Heir, they'll get Ending A.
Page 46 - Hidden Secrets
Translation ... Wisdom that is untempered by kindness is no wisdom at all. Be free. Elaboration If the player finds all pages of the instruction manual and shares it with The Heir, they'll get Ending B. Traversing The Golden Path is a requirement for...
Page 47 - Hidden Secrets
Translation Fairy souls are tucked away in all corners of the world. They lock themselves in gold chests, awaiting a clever Ruin Seeker who knows the power of the HOLY CROSS. A hidden fairy will always leave a trace of magic nearby. They await a particul...
Page 48 - Hidden Secrets
Translation LeftSECRET GATHERING PLACEBut where do they hide? Find a special location where all the freed fairies gather. It is said they have a "FINAL" TREASURE and will only give it up when a certain number of their friends are freed. RightWhere do th...
Page 49 - Hidden Secrets
Translation Lower LeftThe Golden Path Lower RightThe Greatest Spell Elaboration This page contains the basis for The Golden Path.
Page 50 - Hidden Secrets
Elaboration The description for the associated Steam community item, "The Mountain Door," is "I guess nobody's home..."[1][2] Wallpaper: References
Page 51 - Hidden Secrets
Translation TopCards AURA'S GEMParry time ↑ Bottom-Right BoxDid you retain the secret letter from us? Immerse it in water for 60 seconds to see a secret message. Elaboration This page depicts 15 of the 16 available cards. It is missing the Bone. Ti...
Page 52 - Memo Pages
Translation Compass Nor ← (Up) (Le) → We Eas ← (Righ) Sou ← (Dow) Lower RightMaze Elaboration The upper-left pen sketch is the solution to the Overworld's southern flower Holy Cross puzzle. The original owner of the ...
Page 53 - Memo Pages
Elaboration The top pen sketch explains how to perform the Holy Cross in front of the windmill. Completing this puzzle satisfies page 54's 3rd circle. The bottom pen sketch explains that using the Magic Dagger and Magic Wand simultaneously, then followin...
Page 54 - Memo Pages
Translation Upper Left A [æ] AH [ɒ] I [ɪ] E [ɛ] OU [ʊ] EH [ə] EE [iː] OO [uː] IR [ɜːr] ORE [ʊər] AR [aː] EER [ɪər] AY [eɪ] IE [aɪ] OI [ɔɪ] OW [aʊ] OH [oʊ] ERE [eər] M [m] N [n] NG [ŋ] P [p] B [b] T [t] D [d] ...
Back Cover
Translation RightUnder the moon, Bottom Rightcontemplate this prayer. Bottom LeftNear an ancient tomb Leftplundered for its blade Upper Leftlies a special place. Upper Rightup dow up dow le righ le righ up dow le righ Elaboration Near the Hero's ...
Helpful Links
This document contains a list of helpful links. Cipher Trunic Instruction Booklet Tuneic Google Docs Tunic Deeper Secrets and ARG Tuneic (Sound Puzzle Mappings) Official Links Tunic the Game Steam Community Items Epic Games G...
This is a list of "cheat" codes that aren't linked to game progression in Tunic. Meta Codes Certain codes cannot be found within the game itself. They can be activated at any moment in the game. Big Head Mode Code:URUL URDR RURD LDRD Details:Makes your ...
Speedrunning Guides: SRC Page: Discord: Game Links Official Site: Steam: Epic Games: https://stor...
Ice Wand/Bomb Skip
Summary When entities in the world are frozen either via the Magic Dagger, Ice Bomb, or Ice Wand (Magic Wand + Magic Dagger), the Magic Orb can be used to pull the player to the enemy, similar to how they can use the Magic Orb to pull themselves to hooks, ton...