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theory about the lever and the owner


so, Thethere Player'sis Rolea inplane Controllingcalled the Levercanonical inplane Tunic

  1. Player asis the Controller:world Theof playertunic exertsalso directthe bar for the lever if you remember your science, you know that there are three type of levers the one that I am referencing is a first class. the effort force is you controlling the Ruin seeker or Hero. the load is the Hero itself or the plane the far shore is the fulcrum the point at which you pivot the lever bar, and it is the connection on how you are able to control overthe Hero.

    when you begin to control it to much the far shore (fulcrum) brakes and there is proof of this with the map of the far shore it looks like a shard and is broken and most of the map is not there. because of it breaking you can't control the Hero so the war starts with this it may prove that there will be a prequal and that we controlled the Hero before the game worldhappens. through their actions and decisions. This control shapes the narrative and influences the Ruin Seeker's journey.

  2. Prequel and Control: In the prequel, the player exercises control over the lever, maintaining the fulcrum's stability. Their actions directly affect the balance of the game world.

  3. Careless Use and Overworking: Over time, the player’s intense and sometimes careless use of the lever strains the fulcrum. This overworking eventually leads to its shattering, despite the player's intent to maintain control.

  4. Shattering of the Fulcrum: The overworking and careless use of the lever lead to the fulcrum shattering, causing significant turmoil and chaos. This event triggers the war between the Eyes and the people.

  5. The War: The war, resulting from the shattered fulcrum, plungesso, the world intowe conflict.can't Thecontrol Eyes strive to maintain control, while the people experience loss and chaos.

  6. Loss of Control: During the war, the player loses control, symbolizing the overwhelming nature of the conflict and the difficultyis in maintainingruin balance.

  7. Regaining Control: Afterand the fulcrum is repairedrestored post-war,via the playerheir regainsand you can have control again as the abilityfuture heir or the Hero you always have control of the hero you control the plane via the hero or all of the people I don't know at that point. the void touched are the lever so maybe they are how we do it or are what we use to control the lever,hero guidingor the Ruinpeople SeekerI throughdon't theknow aftermathwhat andfrom ongoingthere challenges.

  8. Cyclical Nature and New Game Plus: The cyclical nature of time in Tunic means this process repeats. Each playthrough, or New Game Plus, continues the cycle, with the player continually controlling the game world and facing the consequences of their actions.