Page 40 - Cathedral
The seatSeat of powerPower for the firstFirst heir.Heir
1. The sound of chanting in the air.
- 2. A large chamber, with the smell of incense.
- 3. A shaft descends into blackness.
1010. - 4. Doorway to
Easterneasternrooms - rooms.
4a. A group of lost friends covet the elixir. - 4b. The baptismal font.
- 5. Upper balcony offers a view of the main hole.
- 6. In the library there is a double secret.
7. A rough-hewn passage.- 8. A moonlit bridge blocks access to a treasure.
- 9. The chalice /
vesselvessel. - 10. Device to power the lift at 3.
- 11. Lift
Shaft.shaft. - 12. Ruined chamber.
- 13. Gauntlet with 6 challenges.