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Page 26 - Survival Tips



KeepKEEP anAN eyeEYE onON yourYOUR bars!

  • BARS!
    Your will to go on.  Improve potions with ash ([ash envelope]) to gain more HP per sip.

  • If its flashing, youryou're out of breath.  Remember, you take extraEXTRA damage!DAMAGE! p16
  • (p.16→)
    The power of your soul. Using magic items consumes it.  Some foes leave their souls.

TiredTIRED AllALL theTHE time?

  • TIME?
    You can run! Your your stamina-pointsSTAMINA-POINTS refill, even when runningrunning, so you can enter fights strongly.  Rolling everywhere will exhaust you!

Try on cards

  • Have you discovered how to use cards?  Be sure to make wishes if you have coins. p20

UseUSE YourYOUR Items

    Today is the rainy day, so don't holdhoard valuable tools.  Rewards await those who use liberally.


  •  Roll and sword at the same time to perform a fast stab.


    NOTE: It uses stamina-points


CheckCHECK theTHE map

  • MAP
    Someone has made maps for you!  There are secrets hidden on them, so look carefully...
  • [fox] ←you are here